hello, I’m deb

I want to guide you on a healing jurney using real food and nutrition


I’ve been working for 30 years as an Occupational Therapist, helping people regain function after injuries and illnesses. What I noticed over the years was that the majority of my patients were suffering from some sort of chronic disease. I saw firsthand what debilitating effects the standard American diet, chronic stress, and lack of sleep and movement are having on so many. I also noticed that most medical practitioners don’t have time to address these vital lifestyle habits. What they could offer were prescription drugs to treat the symptoms, not the underlying issues. It was not uncommon for me to see patients taking 20 or more medications.

I called Bullsh**

I knew there had to be another way, so I dove head-first into learning. I got my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner certification and then completed Erin Holt’s Funk’tional Nutrition Academy. In the process, I uncovered and resolved a few of my own health issues I am excited to use my knowledge to help you relieve your troublesome symptoms to live your healthiest life. 

Whether you are just looking to improve your overall health or wanting to relieve chronic conditions, Functional nutrition can help. I use in depth assessments, tests and tools to evaluate your symptoms and determine where imbalances might be occurring. I can then tailor diet and lifestyle recommendations to your specific needs and goals.



what clients are saying

  • "Deb not only knows nutrition, she is non-judgmental and kind. She emphasizes slow, steady progress, and listens."

  • "Deb treats the whole person, recommending not only dietary changes, but a holistic approach to wellness"

fun facts about me:

i am…

  • A 4th generation Washingtonian, currently residing in a quaint seaside town, surrounded by water and mountains.

  • An environmental warrior, obsessive recycler, and hater of all things plastic.

  • A food lover. (And although I do my best to eat clean and healthy the majority of the time, I consider myself a connoisseur of fine nachos.  Perfect layers of chips and cheese, loaded but not soggy, topped with a big pile of guacamole love.)

  • A wannabe Buddhist Zen master. 

  • A proud mama to 2 grown boys.

  • A lucky wife to my spouse Lisa who keeps me laughing and keeps my freezer full of fresh caught PNW seafood. 

my beliefs:

  • Change does not have to be huge or hard to make a difference. Small simple steps can go a long way.

  • Everyone has barriers to changing habits. I meet you where you are to make changes manageable.

  • Your body is not betraying you, symptoms are it’s way of telling you something is wrong and trying to fix it.

  • The body was designed for wellness and self healing. It just needs the right tools. 

My education

  • Certificate from Erin Holt’s Funk’tional Nutrition Academy, 2024

  • Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutritional Therapy Association 2022

  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Washington 1994


Online coaching in a fun, relaxed environment.

Together we will determine your goals and desires, evaluate your nutrition and lifestyle habits, identify deficiencies, imbalances and barriers and implement action steps toward more vibrant health.